You can complete a self certificate for the first week of an illness. Self certificates can be obtained from your employer or from the surgery.
A fit note (otherwise known as a sick note, medical certificate or doctor’s statement) is only required after the first week of an illness. It is signed by a GP.
The GP can give you advice to help you return to work. This is because work can play an important part in helping people to recover from illness on injury. The GP can either say you are not fit for work, or can say you may be fit for work. The GP will choose the option for may be fit to work if they think that returning to work – with support from your employer – will help you.
There is also space for the GP to give advice to your employer about the impact of your illness or injury and can suggest common ways in which your employer can help you return to work such as allowing you to work part time or temporarily or by changing your duties, for example, if you have back pain, avoiding heavy lifting.
There is a fee payable for all private certificates.
Request a sick/fit note
Request a fit note with the form below, or speak to reception.