We have an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) at our practice.
What is a PPG? PPGs work in partnership with their GP practice and are vital in ensuring that the patient voice is heard. Groups work in different ways, some meeting person, others communicate with their practice online-all are keen to welcome and involve new members.
PPGs provide an opportunity for local people to get involved with their practice and influence the provision of local health services. Members contribute their views, make suggestions and provide feedback on services they may have used. Groups can also get involved with supporting local health initiatives.
You can find out more about different PPG activities and projects by following the link to Dorset CCG’s PPG Support pages here: PPGs – NHS Dorset CCG
If you are interested in finding out more about the Yetminster PPG, please follow the links on this page, or talk to our reception team when you are next visiting.