Our Responsibilities : You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times. All contacts will be treated confidentially.
Your Responsibilities : We ask that you treat the doctors and all practice staff with the same respect.
Our Responsibilities : You will be offered a routine appointment with a Doctor of your choice within a reasonable timeframe. Urgent cases will be seen on the same day.
Your Responsibilities : Please inform us as soon as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment. Ensure we have a up to date telephone number. If you have a face to face appointment please be punctual. In some circumstances the sessions may run late – we will give an explanation.
Home Visits
Our Responsibilities : We will visit you at home if your are too infirm to attend the surgery. The duty doctor will carry out this visit.
Your Responsibilities : Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is really necessary. Please request this before 10.30am whenever possible.
Our Responsibilities : We endeavour to answer the telephone promptly and courteously.
Your Responsibilities : Please try to keep your phone calls brief and outside peak surgery times where possible.
Test Results
Our Responsibilities : We will advise you on how and when to obtain the results of any tests or x-rays that you have undergone. Blood test results can be viewed online, speak to a receptionist to set up your online account. A member of our team will contact you if a GP needs to see/contact you regarding urgent results.
Your Responsibilities : Please do not telephone before the allotted time and try to call us after 11am.
Our Responsibilities : We will explain the likely effects of any drugs you are prescribed and will review your long term medication at agreed intervals.
Your Responsibilities : Do not expect a prescription every time you visit a doctor. Please ensure that you need each medication before re-ordering. We will endeavour to have repeat medications ready in 48 hours of it being requested. Please try and keep the Phonelines free and order medication online. Speak to a member of our team to set up online ordering.
Medical Records
Our Responsibilities : We aim to maintain accurate medical records. You have the right to see your own records within the limits of the current law.
Your Responsibilities : There can sometimes be a charge for this. Please let us know if you change your name address or telephone number. If you move out of our practice area you will usually be asked to register with another practice that is nearer.
Your Health
Our Responsibilities : We will offer advice and information about how you can promote good health for you and your family.
Your Responsibilities : You are responsible for your own health and that of your family. Think seriously about your lifestyle and habits that may be affecting your health.
Complaints Procedure
Our Responsibilities : We wish to give a good service and improve it where possible. We therefore welcome constructive comments. If you feel you have cause to complain you will be provided with the information to do this in the correct manner.
Your Responsibilities : We ask that you contact the Practice Manager in the first instance with any complaint that you may have about the premises or personnel or the services offered. We have an in-house complaints procedure and a copy of this is available.